Hi this is Mármol: Handmade soaps & workshops to connect with yourself.

My name is Ari. I started this project as a result of a personal transformation process. In 2019 I left my country, the following year I became mom and the year after I discovered something new: soap-making. Without realizing it, life had presented me 3 big lessons to learn. How to live far from my roots, how to embrace motherhood, and how to learn something completely on my own.

Over these years, I’ve been learning to appreciate what I once took for granted, to redefine the meaning of success, and to continuously step out of my comfort zone. But most importantly, I've been learning to reconnect with the origin of everything: my origin.

But learning without sharing has no meaning for me. That's why I started to share what I know, because maybe someone else like me, needs a time for him/herself to reconnect.

Inspired by my country, Chile, I created Mármol. The name of this project comes from the beautiful Catedrales de Mármol, located in the chilean Patagonia.

Welcome to Mármol, it's nice to have you here :)

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This is why I started to make soap

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Join my workshops and explore the world of soap making with me.

I have different options and with different materials. Find the best option for you!

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Soap collections of the season

Check out the new fall collection inspired by Atacama, the north of Chile

Visit our collections

Made in Hamburg ♥ by chilean hands